Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Day He Said Goodbye.

Dear Miss Beauitch,

He finally said goodbye. After months of fighting to make it all work out, he gave up. Was it me? Was it him? Was it the distance? Maybe it was the love? Has he found someone new? He said we're at our worst and what really knocks me out is when he said "this is goodbye for me".

Was that goodbye meant forever? Are goodbyes really for forever? What if he found someone new? I don't believe I can take it.I told him he may find someone to love and he will love her more than he loved me, if he really did, but he will never find someone that will love him much more than I did.

I still dream of that day where I can finally be with him, even just as friends. It's hard to keep on fighting when the one you're fighting for has already given up. I would give everything for us to workout, I will hold his hand as tight as it is just to not let him slip away. But he let go of my hand before I could hold it tighter.

I feel like a broken glass. I know I will be whole again in the future. But the cracks will always remind me of the day he said goodbye.

Frosty's Love

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